What's everyone talking about this month?
The New Holland SDM 300R Cultivator & Wheatway Engineering's Gyru-Star Screening bucket
Have you seen the new New Holland SDM 300 R Cultivator? With two now on the Island doing a cracking job, they're certainly worth reading up about.
Have you seen the Gyru-Star screening bucket from Wheatway?

In addition to proven environmental benefits, soil health is the key to productivity and sustainable profitability. There are a number of systems that can be adopted to help promote good soil health, with minimal tillage having gained in popularity thanks to advances in the design and development of cultivation equipment. New Holland SDM and SDH compact disc cultivators form a part of these advances.
Developed to meet the diverse demands of combinable, forage and root crop producers, New Holland SDM medium-duty and SDH heavy-duty disc cultivators offer tremendous versatility. Engineered to deliver excellent performance across different soils and in varied working conditions, SDM and SDH discs combine economy of operation with high levels of productivity. Key applications include minimal tillage, slug control, over-wintered stubble management, secondary cultivation, crop residue management, post root crop soil levelling and seedbed preparation.

Gyru-Star Screening Buckets
The Shell
The Gyru-Star compact screening bucket shell is a steel structure with fully welded joints that has been tested up 1.5x the maximum permissible load.
The Drive Line
Uses carbon belts, sealed bearings and self adjusting belt tensioning units. This creates a zero or low maintenance system. Saving you time on setup, there is no lubrication, no adjustment and no mess.
The Stars
Made from polyurethane, the flexible stars create a rolling action which, screens the material without crushing or shredding.
With three different fragment sizes to choose from;
20-0mm | 15-0mm | 10-0mm